What I do

As a Postnatal Doula, my role is to help you both emotionally and physically where we can. When I come to visit, I want you to be able to put your feet up, have a cuppa and enjoy these precious moments with your baby.

While I am there, I can help with the following:
• Encouraging you to trust those mummy instincts
• Caring for bubs so you can get some much needed sleep
• Helping you care for bubs, this may involve assisting with bath time, feeding and changing nappies etc
• Light domestic tasks.
• Talking through your birth story and providing emotional support as needed, referring you to more specialist care if I feel this will be beneficial
• Encouraging and nurturing you and your partner as you bond with your baby
• If required, helping your other children transition into their new role as big brother or big sister
• Preparing basic nutritious food for the family


Emotion and Physical Support

Personal & Professional Development